Doggy Waif

Lily talks about her fears and her accomplishments as she transistions from a puppy mill survivor to a happy confident dog, as well as the trials and tribulations of having a Great Dane for a big brother. Thanks for stopping by!

I’m back! Did ya miss me? February 17, 2014

Filed under: BJ,Mom,my world — Lily @ 6:39 pm

Mom wasn’t feeling well and then both the desktop and laptop computers died.  Her neece has loaned us her netbook so I’ll try to “borrow” it from Mom more often and let you know how things are going.  Mom’s feeling better physically but mentally she’s pretty low.  BJ and I are doing our best to cheer her up.

Had something fall out of the sky a few times a few weeks ago that I did not like.  Mom called it snow.  BJ loves the stuff but I don’t like the way it gets between the pads of my feet.  Mom lets BJ play in it all he wants and just takes me out to do what I gotta do and then brings me right back in again.  Thanks for understanding, Mom!

I’m still afraid of things outside.  Mom says I’m like two different dogs: Inside Lily and Outside Lily.  I wish I could be more like Inside Lily when I’m outside but it’s hard.  Mom’s very patient with me.  And my “grandpawrents” (they live across the street) are very patient with me too.  I let Papa Ron pet me now and they both give  me treats– I like treats!  When Mom takes me to visit Aunt Diane or Aunt Margaret I act like Outside Lily inside their homes.  Don’t know why exactly.  I know nobody’s gonna hurt me there and there are fun doggies to play with but I’m still a bit scared.

Sometimes when we snuggle before bed Mom will tell me how sometimes she feels she’s let me down because of all this Inside/Outside stuff.  I listen, give her a kiss, and get into my bed to sleep (I like snuggling but only for a few minutes).  I’m happy here.  I love my mom and my big brother, even if he is a goof.  BOL

I know Mom feels bad she can’t afford to let me go to the doggie spa for my birthday.  I could really use that haircut!  BOL  She does a pretty good job on my nails, despite all the long fur!  She’s said many times she wishes BJ would cooperate for a nail trim like I do!  I didn’t always but I trust Mom not to hurt me.

Mom and I were looking at the calendar the other day.  Buddy’s been raiding the treat jars over the Rainbow Bridge for four and a half years now.  BJ’s been here for three and he’ll be eight in November.  I’ve been here for five years now and will be six years old on the 28th of this month.  Five years.  Six years.  Woof– that’s a long time!

I had some pictures I wanted to show you but they’ll have to wait.  With Mom’s desktop dead her scanner doesn’t work.  She’s been grumbling about the scanner and the netbook refusing to talk to each other.  I didn’t know machines could talk!


Again, I’ll try to steal, I mean borrow, the netbook more often.  I have to tell you about our new car and BJ’s new bed!  BOL  It’s big!  BOL


Can you help? Please? October 15, 2011

Filed under: friends of mine,Lily,my world — Lily @ 10:58 am

The good people and goggies at Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue (OBG for short) need our help to win a $5000 grant so they can help rescue and find forever homes, just like they did for me, for more wigglebutts. OBG rescued me from that awful puppy mill and am I ever glad they did. It’s really very easy to vote for them:

To vote, just go to any or all of the sites below, enter “oldies” for the shelter and “VA” as the state. Be sure to identify the string of letters and numbers to confirm your vote. Tip: you don’t need to capitalize any letters.

Here are several sites from which you can vote:

So won’t you please vote and help my friends win the money to help more wigglebuts? If you want to see more about OBG, you can go to their web site at

Thank you all very much!


My friend, Xander July 9, 2011

Filed under: Lily's pals,my world — Lily @ 10:50 pm

Two summers ago, my friend Xander sent me Flat Xander to stay with us for a few days. Here we are relaxing together on the couch.

Isn’t he cute? Well, the REAL Xander is even cuter!

Mom says that his grin is infectious! BOL

Anyway, Mom travels vicariously. And this summer, I got to travel vicariously to a place called Cumberland Falls because Xander sent me a post card from there.

On the back he wrote:
“Dear BJ & Lily, Thank you for sending me some stickers. I am on vacation in Kentucky. I think you are cute pooches. I hope you like the waterfall. Love, Xander”

Yes, Xander, I love waterfalls and I am so happy you remembered us while you were on your vacation. I know you’re home from your vacation now but I hope you send us more postcards! Your pal, Lily


I’m a Motley Mutt! April 18, 2011

Filed under: BJ,Lily,Mom,my world — Lily @ 1:08 pm

Yesterday was a long day. A very long, long day. It started at noon, when Mom, BJ and I got to Aunt Linda’s, where I found out I was there under false pretenses: I wasn’t there to play with Doogie, I was there to get a haircut while BJ got to play outside. Aunt Linda kept Doogie and Maggie in the house so BJ could just relax outside for awhile. Mom and Aunt Linda said it would only be for an hour or so. HA! WOOF!! An hour and a half after starting my haircut, Mom and Aunt Linda had only clipped my face, the ridge of my back and one leg! They gave up and Aunt Linda started going through the phone book. No one was open. Of course not, it was Sunday! Then Mom had an idea and called Motley Mutts ( and the nice man who answered said sure, they would fix what Mom and Aunt Linda started if they could get me there by 2pm. Mom said “Yikes! We’re on our way!”, grabbed me and off we flew. I’m not saying Mom broke any traffic laws getting us there on time but a couple of traffic lights gave us the benefit of the doubt! ARF!!! The nice mans was Adam, the owner, and “they” turned out to be Melissa! BOL

We got there and Melissa said she’d take care of me and we must have been some kind of good luck charm because as soon as she said she could help us, three dogs came in to use their self-serve bathing tubs! So while she helped them, Mom and Aunt Linda and I made friends with Blue, Adam’s Irish Wolfhound PUPPY! This guy isn’t even a year old and he’s as tall as BJ!!

Then things settled down and Melissa put me on the grooming table and the fun began. She was very nice and very gentle and I liked her even tho I wouldn’t give her a kiss when we got done!

Mom and Aunt Linda left me with Melissa and I don’t know where they went but they did come back for me! It’s nice to know I’m not going to be abandoned like some of the puppies I hear about.

But we did abandon enough fur to knit another dog! Mom was joking that the fur on my feet was growing as fast as Melissa could clip it! BOL

I was too scared of the blower dryer thing so they decided to just let me air dry, which I did in the car on the way back to Aunt Linda’s to get BJ. All in all, my grooming took just over four and a half hours!! And through it all, I was a good girl, and Melissa was so patient and easy with me, I’m hoping Mom takes me back there sometime!

And Mr. Johnny, Aunt Linda’s husband, said that except for the whining, BJ was a good boy. I’m glad Mom brought BJ along– seven hours alone in the house would have been too much for him. At least this way, hang with Mr. Johnny and enjoy being outside. BJ’s crazy like that– he thinks it’s okay to be outside. ARF!! Silly BJ! WOOF!!


I clean up good! September 14, 2010

Filed under: Lily,my world — Lily @ 1:13 pm

I went to the groomer’s yesterday. It was kinda scary but Tracy was real nice to me and Mom was super pleased with the way I turned out.

This is me before my “date” with the groomer:

Pretty scruffy lookin', huh?

And this is me two hours later:

I look GOOD! BOL

Mom said there was enough fur under the grooming stand to make a whole ‘nother dog! BOL I think she was exaggerating just a bit but I bet there won’t be as many dust bunnies in our house for awhile!


Where’d the time go? June 14, 2010

Filed under: BJ,Mom,my world — Lily @ 1:24 am

I just realized I haven’t posted anything in four months! I’m sorry, but a lot has happened in that four months– a lot of nothing! 🙂 I’m kidding. We’ve had a lot of set backs here– Mom’s car broke down, BOTH computers died, we got BJ, Mom tried to fillet her pinkie, I went to school again, Mom got her car back, we got BJ, Mom got her computers back. Did I mention BJ? No? Well, I should! BJ’s my new big brother and Mom’s new service dog. He’s a four year old fawn Great Dane and he’s cool. He’s not Buddy, but he likes me so I’ll let him stay. I say that because he does have “issues” with other dogs but it’s looking more like a jealousy issue than an aggression issue. Like he’ll bark his fool head off in the car when we go down the road and we see another dog. But if we’re in the car while Mom runs inside real quick and he sees another dog he just watches it but doesn’t bark. Mom’s taking him to special socialization classes at the same school I went to and it seems to be doing him some good. And he’s taking his tests to be a therapy dog! So far, he’s doing real well there.

Here’s the first picture we saw of him, back on April 9th:

They called him James Maximus.

Here’s the picture Mom took of him when she went to meet him on April 11:

He smiles a lot!

I met him that day too but Mom didn’t get a picture of us together for a couple of days– she was busy running him around to the vets and stuff, getting him all his shots, and letting him know that when they went somewhere, he’d always come back here, to my house. He rides very well in the car– likes to lie and look out the windows.

For the first few days, I wouldn’t let him on my futon, but then I decided he was okay and we could share. Sort of. If I’m on there first, he either stays off or gets the space I leave him– Mom thinks it’s so cute the way I can suddenly make myself twice as big as I really am!

Sometimes I don't want to share the futon.

And sometimes I'll share like a good girl! 🙂

And sometimes, BJ just likes to sit and watch the world go by:

He sits in the chair next to Mom at the doctor's office too! Wish I could see that!!!

Mom’s very impressed with him. He walks really well on a leash, doesn’t pull at all. Comes when he’s called (silly puppy!), and even does those “sit” and “down” and “stay” things that I haven’t quite mastered yet. (Mom says I will, it’ll just take time.) He’s 34.5″ tall at the shoulder so he’s tall enough to see what’s in the pans on the stove but he never touches anything on the stove or the counters or even off Mom’s plate when she’s sitting in her chair eating in front of the TV. She says he sniffs the calories out for her tho! 🙂

He does have a bit of separation anxiety tho. If Mom and I go somewhere in the car without him, he cries and howls until we get back. But if I stay home with him when Mom goes off by herself, he’s fine. And I like it when they go off and leave me here by myself– that’s when I can nap on Mom’s bed! (Oh– don’t tell her I said that, okay?)

Oh– his name. BJ. I guess you’re wondering where that came from. Well, his old mom and dad named him James Maximus. That didn’t quite cut it with us. Little Buddy’s Mom thought we should call him Buddy Junior. We liked the sound of BJ but not so much the Junior part. So, in memory of Buddy, and to honor the name his ex-parents gave him, we decided on Buddy James. BJ. 🙂

And how am I doing? I’m doing okay. I do come when called in the house now ’cause I’ve learned it usually means a treat’s involved and if I don’t get there quick enough, I don’t get it. Mom doesn’t give my treats to BJ– she just says, “You don’t come, you don’t get the treat.” So now, when she says “Come!” I do!

I still prefer inside to outside and I still like eating my dinner after everyone else has gone to bed. Mom puts my dinner out the same time she puts BJ’s out but I won’t eat it until later. And neither does BJ– he leaves my bowls totally alone. Mom only had to tell him once to leave them alone and he’s left them alone ever since. He’s sure a smart one! I’m glad we brought him home that day. I’m sorry he had to leave his first mom and dad (they were moving and couldn’t take him with them) but I’m sure glad they let us have him. I think he’s happy here. 🙂


Happy Valentine’s Day! February 14, 2010

Filed under: Lily,my world — Lily @ 10:10 am


Thank you, Johann and Carolyn! February 10, 2010

Filed under: Lily,my world — Lily @ 10:54 pm

Thanks to Johann for his wonderful Happy Howlidays Giveaway and thanks to Carolyn of 4pawcreations for this wonderful collar!

Isn't it pretty?

The stones are crazy lace agate, copper, aventurine, pink quartz, hematite, jasper heart, labradorite, and smoky quartz. Mom says they are all healing stones and will help me build confidence. That will be nice. 🙂
The little copper heart is so cute! It has a paw print on one side and “*heart* my dog” on the other. 🙂
I have long fur for the winter so it kind of hides the collar but here you can see it peeking out from behind my curly hair. Looks good on me, huh? 🙂

Thanks again, Carolyn! I love my new collar!


I won stuff!! January 26, 2010

Filed under: Cyber Buds,Lily,Mom,my world — Lily @ 12:34 pm

Mom entered me in Johann’s Happy Howliday contest and I won some cool stuff! One of the things I won was an ID tag from and it’s really neat! Mom got to pick the design and she chose the Kaleidoscope. Here I am wearing it: Pretty cool, huh? Mom says whenever I get a new big brother, she’s gonna go get him a tag from there too!


To one and all… December 31, 2009

Filed under: Lily,my world — Lily @ 10:14 pm

Happy New Year! May 2010 be filled with slow squirrels and all the treats you can eat! BOL