Doggy Waif

Lily talks about her fears and her accomplishments as she transistions from a puppy mill survivor to a happy confident dog, as well as the trials and tribulations of having a Great Dane for a big brother. Thanks for stopping by!

Name change… July 18, 2009

Filed under: Mom,our world — Lily @ 10:18 pm

Buddy here. I know it’s been a while since I’ve let you know what’s going on and I’m sorry. But if you’ve been following us on Twitter (Dani_Buddy), you already have a fairly good idea of what’s been going on.

I’ve changed the name of this blog to Doggy Waifs because Lily and I are waifs and soon Lily will be doing most of the posting. I think she’s ready to let us all know her deepest thoughts on whatever she wants to share with us. She’s come such a long way from that scared little bundle of nerves we first met in December. Oh she’s still a bundle of nerves but she’s a happy little bundle of nerves now!

Over the course of the next few days, I hope to bring everyone up to speed on me and my health woes. And I’ll let Lily jump in when she wants. 🙂 And Mom’s taken all kinds of pictures and I’ll use them to help tell the stories.

Speaking of Mom and Lily– Lily’s doing her “I gotta go out!” dance and that’s one dance we can’t afford to sit out! And if Lily goes out, I go out– it’s easier on Mom that way.

I’ll write more later. I promise!!